Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés" Español | English

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Offer of a 4-year predoctoral contract in the Nonlinear and Nanoscale Guided Optics group
The main objective of the project is the development of integrated on-chip photonic sensors through the synergistic combination of nanostructured metamaterials and artificial intelligence techniques.
Conference by David González Andrade “Engineering light and sound in silicon through subwavelength nanostructuration” on the 11th
The talk will be at 4:00 p.m. in the Serrano 144 building, in the Board Room on the 2nd floor.
8th Edition Spanish & Portuguese Advanced Optical Microscopy Meeting
The main purpose of SPAOM is to organise an annual congress covering new applications in optical microscopy and image analysis promoting collaboration and interaction in the advanced optical microscopy field.
Next Thursday, June 20, scientific coffee with Eduardo Martínez Enríquez
The talk is titled "Personalized lens models and their applications."
II PhDay Campus Serrano on June 5
The CSIC Network of Doctoral Students invites you to participate in the II PhDay Campus Serrano, organized by the doctoral students of the institutes that make up the CFMAC, IQF, ICTP and IQM.
On Thursday, May 23, scientific coffee with Irene Solana
It is titled "Tuning the optoplasmonic response in implanted glasses using fs laser irradiation: Definitive guide."
Recognition from the Spanish Engineering Institute to D. Antonio Corrons
The Metrology committee of the Engineering Institute of Spain has organized a recognition of our former director of the Institute of Optics, Dr. Don Antonio Corrons on May 22, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Engineering Institute of Spain (IIEs)
A video on nanophotonics and a book on vision, ex aequo awards for the Emitted Photon 2024; in the Absorbed Photon also an ex aequo award for the IES Leonardo da Vinci and the Institut de l’Arboc.
The Daza de Valdés Institute of Optics of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) has announced the winners of its Fotón 2024 Awards, an initiative that this institute promoted in collaboration with the Spanish Society of Optics and the Southern European Cluster in Photonics and Optics (SECPhO), and the media EDUCACIÓN 3.0.
Two colleagues from the Institute of Optics obtain two awards in the 1st edition of the CSIC Transfer and Entrepreneurship awards.
Eduardo Martínez Enríquez and Víctor Rodríguez López have obtained 2 awards in the first edition of the CSIC Transfer and Entrepreneurship awards.
Predoctoral contract opportunity for research in vision and artificial intelligence in the v4nn Project that is within the foundations program of the BBVA foundation
The fundamental question this project addresses is how to overcome the most critical limitations of artificial neural networks (ANNs), limitations that can be characterized as an inability to emulate basic skills of human vision.
Thursday, April 25, scientific coffee with Juan Pedro Adrados
The first scientific coffee this spring will be on April 25 with the talk “In vacuum through time (without black holes)” given by our colleague Juan Pedro Adrados Encinas from the GOLDION group at 11 a.m. in the meeting room. conferences, followed by a coffee at the club+terrace.
Irene Solana Ramírez, third Focus Prize 2022-2023 for her Master’s thesis dedicated to laser processing of gold-doped glasses with plasmonic response.
The awards are organized by the SEDOPTICA Young Area.
Seminar by Julian Gargiulo on Tuesday the 19th (Optical printing and nanothermometry)
The seminar will be given in person in the conference room at Serrano 121, on Tuesday, March 19 at 10:30.
International Women’s Day
Today, March 8, marks International Women’s Day. On this day, we want to claim the need for real and effective gender equality in all areas of our society, a goal that corresponds to Sustainable Development Goal 5.
The Institute of Optics has participated in the BxDiff project within the EMPIR program that has developed a traceable measurement system of the total appearance of surfaces with complex visual effects.
the BxDiff project, funded by the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) in the EMPIR program, has achieved interesting results, which is why it has been selected by EURAMET among the success stories of its projects.
A Marie Skłodowska-Curie contract awarded to the project (SPARKLES) led by Rocío Ariza, former member of the Laser Processing Group
The project´s name is “Femtosecond laser processing for micro- and nanopatterning of metal halide perovskite thin films for enhanced light management in solar cells” (SPARKLES)
Visit of scientists from the IO-CSIC to the CEIP Ramiro de Maeztu
The activity is framed in the international day of girls and women in science.
Contract offer to carry out a doctoral thesis in the field of optical properties of new materials for the construction of energy-efficient buildings.
A contract is offered with a duration of approximately 3 years.
Alejandro Manjavacas of the Institute of Optics, Miguel Catalán Award for his research in the area of nanophotonics.
The award, granted by the Community of Madrid, celebrates the work of our colleague as a researcher under 40 years of age. His contributions in the area of plasmonics and nanophotonics have opened new lines of research.
Thursday, February 29 scientific coffee with Víctor Rodríguez López
It is entitled "After 200 years: a new method of visual grading"
Invited talk by Elena Redaelli on the topic “Exploring corneal biomechanics with computational simulations”.
Elena Redaelli, MSCA, PhD Student. PhD Student at the University of Zaragoza in the framework of the European project OBERON ITN Marie Skłodowska-Curie.
Participation of the Institute of Optics in 11F
IO-CSIC researchers will participate, as they do every year, in the celebration of 11F with numerous talks and visits to educational centers where they will talk about the access and full and equal participation of women and girls in science and technology.
33 Introductory course to research in Optics 2023
Diagnosis of ocular diseases by ocular biomechanics
She will present the results obtained in collaboration with VioBio Lab (IO), Instituto Universitario Fernández-Vega and the University of Oviedo, specifically from the past European project Imcustomeye.
Wednesday, January 25 scientific coffee with Paloma López Reyes
This month's talk is from the Thin Film Optics Group.
Thesis defense of Ryan McAuley, Ph.D. student of Judith Birkenfeld.
In his thesis, Dr. McAuley assessed sub-resolution signals related to the static and dynamic, structural and mechanical properties of tissue using vibrometric, nanosensitive, and synthetic Fourier domain extensions of OCT.
Automatic microscopic image processing course 2024
The objective of the course focuses on the development of both theoretical and practical foundations of image processing in microscopy.
VII Microscopy and Applications Course 2024
The objective of the course focuses on the development of the theoretical foundations of training and image acquisition in microscopy.
10th IOPTICA Scientific Seminars
The 10th edition of the IOPTICA (formerly IOSA) scientific seminars will take place on December 18, this year with a hybrid format: the talks will be held in person with a simultaneous live online broadcast.
Interview by our colleague Eduardo Martínez on Cadena SER
Eduardo Martínez Enríquez has achieved a Leonardo scholarship from the BBVA Foundation.
Inauguration of the website of the Technologies for Energy group (TEN)
Raquel Caballero is the group leader of this new research group.
Thursday, November 30, scientific coffee with Fátima Cabello Pardos
It is titled "Interrogating materials with light".
Inauguration of the Colina de los Chopos astronomical observatory
The president of the CSIC Eloisa del Pino visited the observatory and the Club of the Institute of Optics together with the three directors of the institutes that make up the CFMAC.
Photonics Workshop – IO-CSIC, Madrid, November 29
Dissemination day within the framework of the STARLIGHT and SUNRISE research projects, focused on subwavelength metamaterials for integrated optics.
Call for postdoctoral research position for developing a novel machine learning framework based on vision and neuroscience
Send application letter, CV and contact information of 3 academic references to:
Our colleague Alejandro Manjavacas has been awarded the Miguel Catalán Prize for his research in the area of science.
The community of Madrid has awarded Manjavacas' research career and his work as a scientist in the under 40 category.
Science Week Activities of the Institute of Optics
The “Daza de Valdés” Institute of Optics actively participates in Science Week every November, as do the majority of centers and institutes that the CSIC has throughout Spain.
Seminar “Overcoming the challenges of ultrafast laser processing of semiconductors” on 10/26 at 4 p.m.
The lecture will be given by Pol Sopeña, from Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, LP3. Marseille, France, in the center’s conference room (c/ Serrano, 121).
Thursday, October 26, scientific coffee with Pablo Santafé Gabarda
This month's talk corresponds from the Optical Radiation Measurements group (GIMRO).
Seminars by Jörn Bonse and Thibault Derrien on Thursday, October 5
The seminars will take place within the ILINK22056 project “UnderControl: Understanding and controlling volumetric laser-induced modifications in materials for advanced photonic applications” of the i-LINK 2022 program
ConferencePRISMA2023 from November 16 to 18
#ConferencePRISMA2023 A space to share knowledge and build mutual support networks between people with diverse orientations and identities.
Next scientific coffee on the 28th by Rocío Gutiérrez Contreras
The talk is titled "Silk and Light for Ophthalmic Applications."
Eduardo Martínez Enríquez has obtained a Leonardo scholarship in engineering 2023
The project with which he obtained the scholarship is titled “Personalized models of the lens to improve cataract and presbyopia operations”
Susana Marcos, prize for the best researcher in the second edition of the Smart Woman awards of the Spanish Federation of Health Technology Companies
On July 19, 2023, the Spanish Federation of Health Technology Companies (Fenin) held the second edition of the Smart Woman Forum & Awards in Madrid. This event aims to recognize the contribution of women in the field of innovation in Health Technology and promote gender equality, has awarded five women for their outstanding professional career.
Talk at the IO on Monday June 17 by Prof. Ricardo Vergaz from the Displays and Photonics Applications group
He will give a talk entitled “Research at GDAF-UC3M- Displays and Photonics Applications Group – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid”
Next scientific coffee by Pedro Corredera on July 20
The talk is entitled "Experiments that fix the new System of Units".
Interview with our director Juan Diego Ania in the ABC newspaper
Recently, an interview with our director Juan Diego Ania was published in the ABC newspaper, in which he talked about the history and applications of the laser and, in particular, the innovative ultra-long laser.
Online seminar by Joaquín Campos on Friday the 23rd entitled “New patterns and calibration methods to replace incandescent lamps”
Our colleague Joaquín Campos is going to offer an online conference entitled “New calibration standards to replace incandescent lamps” within the cycle of instrumentation seminars offered by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
Joel Cox’s seminar on Friday the 23rd entitled “Nonlinear nano-optics with atomically-thin materials”
We invite you to the seminar of Joel Cox, professor at the University of Southern Denmark ( SDU), who will talk to us about his recent work on nanophotonics. The seminar will be given live in the Serrano 121 conference room, on Friday, June 23 at 12:00.
Conference by Joaquín Campos in La Laguna entitled “The International System of Units”
June 22, 2023 , at 7:00 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the RSEAPT (Calle San Agustin, 23, 38201 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
Mention in the Young Inventor Patent Award for our colleague Víctor Rodríguez
The patent Apparatus and system for optometric measurements and method for adjusting the optical power of an adjustable lens, inventors Carlos Dorronsoro and Víctor Rodríguez from the CSIC Institute of Optics, received a mention in the Young Patent award of the Second Edition of the Awards for the Best Invention Protected by Industrial Property Rights by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) in 2023.
Next scientific coffee by Aitor Villafranca on June 22
This is the second talk since this initiative was resumed, and it will be given by our colleague Aitor Vallafranca, who will talk about the possibilities offered by photonic chips and the different technologies that can currently be integrated into them.
Thesis defense of Noemí Casquero today June 9
Our colleague Noemí Casquero from the laser processing group will defend her doctoral thesis on 9 June at 11.30 a.m. Sala de Grados, Module 8, of the Faculty of Science UAM. Cantoblanco Campus (Madrid).
Next Monday, June 5, a talk to present the new scientific in the IO-CSIC, Raquel Caballero
The talk entitled "Chalcogenide materials for PV Applications" will focus on thin-film solar cells
The Institute of Optics “Daza de Valdés” in The Adventure of Knowledge of RTVE
The program deals with the extensive and valuable work carried out by the Higher Council for Scientific Research since its foundation in 1939.
Visit of the president of the CSIC, Eloisa del Pino to the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center
The President of the CSIC, Eloisa del Pino, and the Government Delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, met with the staff of the Miguel Antonio Catalán Physics Center on May 18 in the assembly hall of the CSIC central building
Foton 2023 Awards Ceremony
On May 16, coinciding with the International Day of Light, the Institute of Optics celebrated the delivery of the sixth edition of the Fotón Awards, awards organized in collaboration with the Spanish Society of Optics and sponsored by Southern European Cluster in Photonics and Optics (SECPhO) and EDUCATION 3.0 .
IO scientific cafes
The Institute of Optics has resumed the "IO science coffee" program on the last Thursday of each month.
PhDay Campus Serrano June 7th 2023
Are you doing a PhD at the IEM, IFF, IO or IQF? Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about different professional opportunities, show your work and meet colleagues from other institutes!
Jennifer Hunter’s seminar “Towards understanding retinal mechanisms through cellular-scale fluorescence lifetime ophthalmoscopy”
Next Monday, May 22, Prof. Jennifer Hunter from the University of Waterloo in Canada, will give an invited talk at the Institute of Optics entitled “Towards understanding retinal mechanisms through cellular-scale fluorescence lifetime ophthalmoscopy”
Job offer for pre-doctoral researcher in the LPG group
Will carry out research on the production of micro and nano-structures with ultra-short laser pulses Expected date Start date: September 1, 2023
El instituto de Óptica oferta 8 planes de formación JAE INTRO
El CSIC ha convocado 300 planes de formación JAE Intro con el objetivo de introducir a la investigación a estudiantes universitarios dentro del marco de la Estrategia CSIC 2025. De esos 300 planes de formación, 8 se ofertan en distintos grupos del Instituto de Óptica
Seminar by Joaquín Campos entitled “Passive or super-cold radiant cooling materials”
The seminar is inside the Conference "Urban materials optimized for more livable and sustainable cities" of the Eduardo Torroja Institute
Teleconference “The figure of José M. Otero Navascués (founder of the Institute of Optics) as a generator of scientific-technological systems"
We are pleased to announce that on MAY 8, at 7:00 PM, the sixth telematic conference will take place within the II Cycle of Conferences on the History of Optics organized by the Optics History Group of the Spanish Optics Society.
Interacción de luz y materia en la nanoescala: de los daguerrotipos a las interacciones de Casimir
Next Wednesday, April 26, at 12 noon, we will have a seminar given by Alejandro Manjavacas, a researcher at the CSIC Institute of Optics, entitled “Interacción de luz y materia en la nanoescala: de los daguerrotipos a las interacciones de Casimir”.
Colloquium talk “History of telecommunications” with Mr. José Antonio Martín Pereda
Monday, April 17 at 12 noon in the conference room of the Institute of Optics. Serrano 121
Susana Marcos receives the Edwin H. Land Medal
Susana Marcos, a leading researcher in the field of visual optics and ocular imaging, has been awarded the prestigious Edwin H. Land Medal for outstanding contributions to the field.
Our partner Raquel Fernández de Cabo in the IV ed. “I investigate. I am CSIC”
Our colleague Raquel Fernández de Cabo has presented a video explaining her line of research in the fourth edition of the informative video contest “Yo Investigo. Yo soy CSIC”
Women from the Institute of Optics “Daza de Valdés”
At the Institute of Optics " daza de Valdés" we wanted to make visible the women who work in the institute in a series of photos.
32 Introductory course to research in Optics 2023
For students in the last two undergraduate and master's courses. Research in Optics, Photonics and Nanotechnology. Visit the laboratories. Opportunities for your final degree projects, end of master's doctoral thesis and other projects
Lecture by our colleague Juan Pedro Adrados on April 16 at MUNCYT
Next April 16 at 12 noon within the conference cycle “Science in the first person”, we will be able to attend the conference entitled “The void, when nothing is important” that will be given by our colleague Juan Pedro Adrados responsible for Low Pressure Laboratory, belonging to the Madrid Community Laboratory Network.
The Institute of Optics on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 11F
The IO-CSIC researchers have participated as every year in the celebration of 11F with numerous talks and visits to educational centers where they have spoken about the access and full and equal participation of women and girls in science and technology.
Visit of Dr. Jannick Rolland
Next Thursday, February 9, Professor Jannick P. Rolland will visit the Instituto de Óptica and give a keynote talk entitled “Freeform optics for imaging” in the IO-CSIC Conference Room from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
The Institute of Optics participates in the activity “Dare to be a Scientist”
In the talks, the biography of great scientific researchers will be exposed and, in addition, the results of some surveys on the referents and academic interests of boys and girls, previously completed by the students themselves (about 600 in total) will be presented and discussed.
talk of prof. Prof. Michael Telias “Inner retinal remodeling in vision”
The role of inner retinal remodeling in vision Michael Telias, MSc, PhD Assistant Professor, Flaum Eye Institute & Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience & Associate Director, Center for Visual Science. University of Rochester, NY (US)
ViobioLab is looking for candidates for a Technical Support Personnel contract 2022
The candidate must have a degree in the field of Optics, Physics, Biomedicine, Digital Image Processing or similar.
Postdoctoral contract offer of 18 months extendable to 24 months from the Optical Radiation Measurements research group (GIMRO)
The research group on Optical Radiation Measurements (GIMRO) of the Institute of Optics “ Daza de Valdés” from the CSIC offers an 18-month postdoctoral contract extendable to 24 months, full-time, for immediate incorporation. The contract is associated with the project “Evaluation of the optical properties of materials and glazing systems for energy efficiency and daylight control in buildings”
Sixth edition of the Foton Awards for scientific communication and teaching
If you are a science communicator or educator who has done some work related to optics or photonics throughout 2022, don't hesitate. Participate! Presentation of candidacies: Until April 15
FPI contract offer at the CSIC Institute of Optics (PRECISION Project)
The project is focused on the development, optimization and use of laser sources and infrared fiber optic devices, with a multitude of technological applications in sensing, metrology, high-precision detection and telecommunications.
FPU 2022 for doctoral thesis in irradiation with high energy ions and laser pulses
Application deadline: 17/ 01/2023 to 02/15/2023 Contact emails:,
Microscopic image automatic processing course 2023
The objective of the course is focused on the development of both theoretical and practical foundations of image processing in microscopy.
Microscopy and Applications Course 2023
Interview with our colleague Alejandro Manjavacas published in the ABC newspaper
Spanish and Portuguese Meeting of Advanced Optical Microscopy Salamanca November 23-25, 2022
The Institute of Optics will have 3 new Ramón y Cajal researchers in 2023
The three people who will join at the latest on January 1 of next year are María Viñas Peña, Lucie Sawides and Hugo Fidalgo Martins.
2-year research contract offer at LPG
Presentation of the Exhibition: “The beginnings of the Institute of Optics ‘Daza de Valdés’
Xoana Barcala, second prize at the 2022 Margarita Salas Awards in the category of basic sciences
Article by Sergio Barbero in memory of José Barcala
Actividades del Instituto de Óptica en la Semana de la Ciencia
Our colleague Inés Cáceres Pablo, finalist in the “Best Student Article” category at the European Conference on Optical Communications
Participation of the IO-CSIC in the second edition of the 2022 Talent and Technology Awards
1-year postdoctoral contract offer
Interview with Juana Bellanato in the Women, Optics and Photonics Area of SEDOPTICA
Job offer. Research assistant – Youth Guarantee CAM 2022
The Laser Processing Group is looking for a research assistant for a contract type Youth Guarantee CAM 2022 (2 years)
Call for volunteers to participate in a vision experiment
Death of José Barcala Herreros
Face-to-face celebration of all the incorporations of scientific personnel of the IO-CSIC during the pandemic
Marcelo Bertalmío appointed Senior Area Editor (SAE) of the journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
This scientific journal is the most important in the area of image processing.
The IO-CSIC magazine Luz published in the 1960s in digital format
The CSIC’s Dorotea Barnés Physics and Chemistry Library has just finished digitizing all the issues of the journal LUZ.
Celebration of promotions of the IO in the new terrace of the Institute of Optics
Last Friday, June 24, we celebrated the promotion of our colleagues Joaquín Campos from the Optical Radiation Measurement Group and Jan Siegel from the Laser Processing Group on the new terrace of the Institute of Optics.
Iberic Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) 2022
On June 13, 14 and 15, the first edition of the Iberian Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) was held at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), organized by the OPTICA Student Chapter of the University of Aveiro (Aveiro), Portugal , the Physics League Chapter of Valladolid and IOPTICA – The Student Chapter of the Institute of Optics of the CSIC (Madrid).
Seminar by Trevor Canham entitled “Using Decoupled Features for Photo-realistic Style Transfer”
In the seminar, which will take place next Thursday, June 16, from 11:20 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the conference room at Serrano 121, he will explain his work in the context of the European project AdMiRe
One year has passed since the publication of the English translation of the book “Discovering the light. Fun Optics Experiments”
In one year, 6,600 copies of the English translation of the book “Discovering Light. Fun optics experiments” written in 2018 by young researchers linked to IO and/or the IOPTICA Student Chapter Congratulations! In just 1 year, it has become one of the most downloaded articles from SPIE, the largest publisher of Optics texts in the world.
Posthumous tribute to Leonardo Villena and recognition of merit in metrology
On May 30, our colleague Sergio Barbero participated in a conference in memory of Leonardo Villena organized by the Metrology Committee of the Spanish Institute of Engineering (IIES), which could not be held in 2020.
Today round table entitled “Non-binary Identities in Science and Research”
Friday, June 3 at 1:00 p.m. face-to-face and online
Teleconference “The meaning of a scientific fact: Poisson’s white point, before and after 1819”
Series of lectures on the history of optics
Optical design course at the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre
Our colleagues Sergio Barbero and Alberto de Castro have been giving a 20-hour optical design course to staff from the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre. The course was held from May 17 to 30.
2022 Young researchers biophotonics summer meeting
Next June 16, the 2022 Young Biophotonics Researchers Summer Meeting will be held, organized by the Comité de Ciencias de la the Vision of the Spanish Society of Optics. The meeting will be online and will start at 4:00 p.m. (GMT+2, Madrid time).
Signing of a scientific collaboration agreement between the CSIC and the Japanese television channel NHK in which our colleague Marcelo Bertalmío is the responsible researcher.
The focus of this collaborative project is on 8K television broadcasting and 360-degree video and the development of subjective quality of experience (QoE) evaluation systems.
Raúl Luna has presented a paper on motion perception at the conference “From Neuroscience to Artificially Intelligent Systems (NAISys)”
Talk by Marcelo Bertalmío at the conference “Bio-Inspired Systems: Practical Applications”
Next Monday, May 23, our colleague Marcelo Bertalmío is going to give a talk at the Spanish Institute of Engineering, at the Conference “Bio-Inspired Systems: Practical Applications“
Foton 2022 Awards Ceremony
Today, May 17, the awards ceremony for the fifth edition of the Foton Awards has been held.
Alejandro Manjavacas has received a Leonardo grant in Physics 2022
Our colleague Alejandro Manjavacas has obtained a Leonardo Physics grant for researchers who stand out in an intermediate stage of their careers
Seminars on equality and gender perspective
From the Student Chapter IOPTICA and the equality group of the IO-CSIC, we are pleased to announce that next MAY 30 at 11:30 a.m. there will be a day of equality and gender perspective face-to-face in the conference room of the Institute of Optics of the CSIC
Seminar of Manuel Donaire: Excited atoms: optical response, atomic interactions and coherent manipulation
We would like to invite you to the seminar of Manuel Donaire, professor at the University of Valladolid, who will talk to us about his recent work in atomic physics, in the Serrano 121 conference room, on Friday, May 13 at 12:30.
“Workshop on BTDF measurement” seminar
On April 26, the CSIC held the seminar “Workshop on BTDF measurement” in which common problems and solutions for the measurement of diffuse transmittance of translucent materials and their angular and spatial distribution are discussed.
Doctoral thesis defense of Rocio Ariza
Finished the XXXI course of Introduction to Research in Optics
Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain 2022 (USTS2022) Conference
USTS 2022 is promoted by the Grupo Especializado de Láseres Ultrarrápidos (GELUR) of the RSEF and the University of Málaga. The main objective of this event is to continue a series of Meetings aimed at gathering and promoting the whole Ultrafast Laser Community in Spain, providing a space for encounter, discussion and dissemination of the most recent results in Ultrafast Science, and facilitating synergies among groups with common themes, tools or methodologies.
XXXI Introductory course to research in Optics 2022
For students in the last two undergraduate and master's courses Research in Optics, Photonics and Nanotechnology. Visit the labs. Opportunities for your final degree projects, final master's thesis and other projects
March 7 conference by Sergio Barbero “Between reality and desire: The development of optical engineering in Spain (1920-1936)”
As part of the cycle of conferences on the history of optics organized by the Group on the History of Optics of the Spanish Society of Optics.
The Institute of Optics welcomes Professor Hernando García
He comes on a sabbatical from the Southern Illinois University Edwarsville (SIUE) Department of Physics.
11F visit to IES Blas de Otero by researchers from the Institute of Optics
On February 11, 2022, Rosalía Serna and Eva Nieto from the Laser Processing Group of the Institute of Optics gave a talk entitled: “I am a scientist” to second year ESO students at IES Blas de Otero
Incorporation of Mario García Lechuga to the Institute of Optics
Today, February 14, Mario Garcia Lechuga has joined us at the Institute of Optics with a permanent PhD position.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 11F
From the Institute of Optics we want to contribute our grain of sand by making visible the women who work in each research group, and who, in addition to their scientific work, are very active in fields of dissemination and awareness.
Incorporation of Esther Enríquez Pérez to the Institute of Optics
This February she joined the Esther Enríquez Pérez Institute of Optics
Seminar "Experimental and theoretical study of the optical frequency combs generated by gain‐switching of semiconductor lasers"
Seminar given by Alejandro Rosado Pérez on 01/28/2022 at 12:00 in the Board Room of Serrano 144
Postdoctoral vacancies in the Imaging and Vision Sciences group
The Image and Vision Sciences group, dedicated to the development of image formation and processing techniques and visual models, has published three postdoctoral contract offers.
V Course on Microscopy and Applications 2022
The objective of the course is focused on the development of the theoretical foundations of the formation and acquisition of images in microscopy.
Resolution by which the "JAE Intro ICU" research introduction grant is awarded, within the framework of the 2021 "Board for the Expansion of Studies" program at the IO-CSIC.
These scholarships are aimed at university students in their penultimate and final year of the degree with the aim of starting their research activity, facilitating the collaboration of students in the CSIC.
Definitive list of admitted and excluded to the process of selection of scholarships of introduction to the investigation "JAE Intro ICU" of the Institute of Optics.
Provisional list of those admitted and excluded from the selection process for “JAE Intro ICU” research scholarships from the Optical Institute.
On December 3, 2021, the IO-CSIC presented a descriptive file offering up to 1 “JAE Intro ICU” research scholarship.
Deterministic decoupling of features: a normalization framework for signal and data science
Machine learning in Madrid (zoom) Monday, December 20, 2021, 12-13h Speaker: Javier Portilla (Institute of Optics «Daza de Valdés» - CSIC)
JAE Intro ICU scholarship offer 2021 for introduction to research at the Optical Institute.
Deadline for submitting applications: 15 business days from the day after the publication of the descriptive sheet.
7th Spanish metrology congress
“Metrology in the era of digitization and sustainability”
Resolution of the award of the JAE-INTRO ICU grant from the Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
The definitive list of admitted and excluded from the "JAE Intro ICU" 2021 has been published at the "Daza de Valdés" Optical Institute.
Provisional list of those admitted and excluded from the "JAE Intro ICU" 2021 research introductory scholarships from the Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"(IO-CSIC).
These scholarships are aimed at university students in their penultimate and final year of degree so that they can start their research activity at the CSIC
The Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés" offers six places in the JAE Intro 2021 call
30 Online Course of Introduction to Research in Optics
Oriented course for university students focused on research in optics, photonics and Nanotechnology.
IV Course on Automatic Microscopic Image Processing On line
The objective of the course is focused on the development of both the theoretical and practical foundations of image processing and analysis in microscopy.
IV Course on Microscopy and Applications. 2021.
The objective of the course focuses on the development of the theoretical foundations of the formation and acquisition of images in microscopy.
7th edition of IOSA Scientific Seminars
On December 17th the 7th edition of the IOSA scientific seminars will take place. This year in online format.
Introduction to Amateur Astrophotography - 24/01/2020
January 24, 2020
At 12h in the conference room of the Institute of Optics "Daza de Valdés"

Have you ever seen an astronomical image that took your breath away?
Have you ever wondered how these images are captured from the earth"s surface in such detail?
Colloquium Marie S. Curie, "The periodic table of chemical elements: another look" Dec 17 with P. Goya
On December 17 in the auditorium of the Institute of Physical Chemistry "Rocasolano" at 12:00h, the Marie S. Curie Colloquium will be held entitled "La tabla periódica de los elementos químicos: otra mirada" to be taught by the research professor Pilar Goya, of the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the CSIC.
Conference of Maria Luisa Rastello today December 3
Today, on the occasion of the celebration of the retirement of Dr. Alicia Pons, Dr. Maria Luisa Rastello gave a lecture entitled "What next with the Candela".
III Course on Automatic Microscopic Image Processing
The objective of the course focuses on the development of the theoretical and practical foundations of the processing and analysis of images in microscopy.
III Course on Microscopy and Applications February 19-21, 2020.
The course is focused at researchers, technologists and students interested in knowledge of microscopy techniques. In the course the different microscopy modalities to be used will be described: optical, confocal, multispectral, etc. and applications in Biology, Biomedicine and Environment will be analyzed.
6th edition of the IOSA scientific seminars on 17th of Dec.
IOSA (IO-CSIC OSA-EPS student chapter) carries out several outreach activities to spread Optics Science among general population. This activity is developed by the IOSA members: young researchers, pre-doctoral students of the Institute of Optics (CSIC), working on different fields related to Optics such as visual optics and biophotonics, lasers, digital processing of images, fiber optics or theoretical and experimental studies on the optical properties of matter. Moreover, IOSA wants to contribute to the professional and scientific development of the students of the Institute of Optics, individually and as a group.
Seminar on ‘Optical Design in Vision’ IOSA
On Tuesday, November 12th , the IOSA IO-CSIC outreach group, invites you to a seminar on ‘Optical Design in Vision ’at the Institute of Optics (CSIC),  Madrid.
The seminar will be given by Prof. Jim Schwiegerling, from the University of Arizona. After that, Prof. Jim will also give a Workshop on optical design.

The New Oncological Therapies of the 21st Century: Precision Medicine and Immunotherapy
Mariano Barbacid Spanish National Cancer Research Center
Conference Hall
CSIC main building
Serrano 117
Seminar 3-oct "Laser processing of plasmonic metasurfaces for security"
Seminar to be held this Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 11:30 in the IO conference room, Serrano 121.
The conference will be given by Nathalie Destouches of the Laboratoire Hubert Curien of the Univ Lyon / CNRS, in Saint-Etienne, France.
What's next in your scientific seminar career? Friday, September 27. At the Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry
What's next in your scientific seminar career? which took place next Friday, September 27. Institute of Physical Chemistry Rocasolano, C / Serrano 119 of the CSIC in Madrid. The objective of the seminar is to provide tools to young researchers (pre- and postdoctoral) for the development of their scientific career.
Colloquium Marie S. Curie, "New eyes to the nano world of living cells" Prof. María García-Parajo, June 14
Since the organization of the Colloquium Marie Sklodowska Curie, joint initiative in charge of the institutes IO (Optics), IEM (Structure of Matter), IFF (Fundamental Physics) and IQFR (Physical Chemistry Rocasolano) of the CSIC, we are pleased to announce the ninth conference of the cycle of the same name, fourth of the season 2018-2019, to be held on Friday, June 14, 2019 at 12:00 in the Central Assembly Hall of the CSIC (Serrano 117, Madrid).

On this occasion Prof. María García-Parajo, from the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona), will present the transdisciplinary talk "New eyes to the nano-world of living cells" on the new techniques of microscopy beyond the diffraction limit and its impact on biomedical research 
Seminar of images and vision "A scientific journey to entrepreneurship". Thursday, 6 june
The seminar will be next Thursday, June 6 at 12:00 in the conference room of the Institute of Optics.

C / Serrano, 121 28006 Madrid
MSC Colloquium: Jon Marangos conference on February 19 at the Rocasolano Institute of the CSIC
On this occasion Dr. Jon Marangos, from Imperial College (London), will
present the talk:
"Ultrafast X-ray Science: Measuring the very fast and the very small".
We remind you that this cycle of lectures are led by scientists of a
very high international level, and are intended to disseminate
scientific knowledge and its implications / applications, making it
accessible to non-specialized public, in general, and in particular, to
scientists, technicians, professionals and students of all disciplines,
not necessarily coinciding with the specialty of the speaker.
Game + talk of the IOSA 'Guess who are the women in Science' at the San Ramón y San Antonio School on February 13
Optical Workshops & Game "Guess Who"s Who", focused on well-known and
not so well-known women who have excelled in different areas of knowledge.
IOSA and the 5th edition of #womeninopticscoffee IO-CSIC invite you to "Café, Género y Ciencia"
Joint activity between the IOSA Disclosure Group @IOSA_chapter and the 5th edition of #womeninopticscoffee IO-CSIC, to know the actions that are being carried out and the tasks that we still have to do to achieve gender equality and promote scientific vocations in the new generations of girls.
IOSA activity with the students of the PEAC (Educational Enrichment Program for High Capability Students)
February 9
Optical Workshops & Game "Guess Who"s Who", focused on well-known and
not so well-known women who have excelled in different areas of knowledge.
Opening day of the Week of Women and Girls in Science and presentation of the "Periodic Table of Women Scientists"
February 11th
Round Table: The importance of women in science. Delegation of the CSIC
in Asturias.
9:30 am, Hotel de la Reconquista, Oviedo. Participant: Susana Marcos
Debate ‘Mujer y Ciencia’
February 6, 2019 10: 30h - 12: 00h Asociación de la prensa (C / Juan Bravo, 6 - 28006 Madrid)
Seminar of images and vision "In- and on- eye telescopes for low vision". Monday, 4 feb. 12h:30
Harvard Medical School; Schepens Eye Research Institute-MEEI (Boston)
XXIX Introductory Course to Research in Optics April, 25th-26th 2019

Come to know our research and our laboratories
Course aimed at university students studying one of their last two years or a Master and interested in research in Optics and Photonics
April 25 and 26, 2019

Course: Procesado automático de imagen microscópica, Ciudad Real, 2019
The objective of the course focuses on the development of the
    theoretical and practical foundations of the processing and analysis
    of images in microscopy.

     From February 25 to March 1.


    It is advisable to bring your own laptop to the course
Course "Microscopía y aplicaciones" 2019

The objective of the course focuses on the one hand on the development of the theoretical foundations of the formation and acquisition of images in microscopy. The course is focused at researchers, technologists and students interested in the knowledge of microscopy techniques. In the course the different microscopy modalities to be used will be described: optical, confocal, multispectral, etc. and samples of interest in Biology, Biomedicine and Environment will be analyzed.

The course will include a visit to the microscopy laboratory of the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN) where you can see the scanning electron microscopes available.

Recognized course with 1 ECTS credit.

Seminar: Transporte de electrones de baja energía en gases moleculares
Seminar by Ana Lozano, from the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Surface Processes of the IFF, to be held on Thursday, December 20, in the Board Room of Serrano 113bis at 12:30 pm.
Colloquium: Femtoscopia: Láseres ultrarrápidos para observar y manipular reacciones químicas
Course of scientific experiments for teachers
We are organizing an activity especially for teachers of Educación Secundaria and Bachillerato. It consists on a course of scientific experiments named: “Aprendiendo a enseñar Ciencia de forma divertida”. It is a course of a day in which different talks will be given, as well as practical workshops. This project is subsidized by the program “Cuenta la Ciencia” of Fundación General CSIC. It will take place on 23rd of November in the Institute of Optics of CSIC (IO-CSIC, Serrano 121, Madrid). At the end of the day, a certificate of Specialization Course of the Dpo. Posgrade of CSIC will be delivered.
WORKSHOP “Open questions on gloss measurement”
Within the activities of the project “Bidirectional Reflectance Definitions” (16NRM08, BiRD) this workshop was an opportunity to talk about research questions on gloss as a visual attribute and about issues and new developments on gloss measurement
Course - Adaptive Optics in Visual Optics and Biophotonics, March 21-22, 2018
Curso sobre Microscopía y Aplicaciones, 7-9 Febrero de 2018
Curso sobre Procesado de Imagen Microscópica con ImageJ/FIJI, 12-16 Febrero de 2018
XXVIII Introductory Course to Research in Optics April, 5th-6th 2018
Interuniversity Master's Degree in Vision Science Research
Day Program Dissemination of European I+D+i in Metrology
Seminar Hrebesh Subhash: Recent trends in optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Seminar Vyas Akondi:Enabling nanoscale biological imaging through the development of low-cost adaptive optics assisted microscopes
2 Marie Curie early stage researcher contracts to pursue a PhD - Nonlinear Dynamics and Fiber Optics Group
Seminar by Dr. Jöen Bonse (BAM-Berlin)
Seminar by Prof. Irene Kochevar (Wellman Center/Havard University): Light-induced corneal treatments
Seminario Dr. Robert Breault “How to Fly with Eagles”
Madrid-MIT M+Vision Minicourse on "Optical Imaging: Applications in Ophthalmology"
MIT Madrid M+Vision 2013 Fellowships on Translational Biomedical Imaging
US National Science Foundation- European Research Council Opportunity in ERC-funded VioBio Lab
Symposium on Ultrafast Laser Processing within EUROMAT 2013 (Seville, 8-13 Septembre 2013)
Presentation of the book on "Jose Maria Otero Navascues", founder and first Director of the Institute of Optics, November 27, at CSIC
The Institute of Optics in the 12th Week of Science in Madrid
The Institute of Optics hosts the Summer School and Annual Meeting of the Marie Curie ITN Network "Optical and Adaptational Limits of Vision"
Madrid MIT M+Vision Horizon Lectures on Biomedical Imaging at Instituto de Optica (CSIC). July 2-5 2012
Investigación financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
C/ Serrano, 121
28006 Madrid (Spain)
Tel: 915 616 800
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto de Óptica
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