Instituto de 脫ptica "Daza de Vald茅s" Espa帽ol | English

Associated Units  
Technology and Innovation in Ophthalmology
Asociatted with "Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jimenez Díaz"
Staff from Fundaci髇 Jim閚ez D韆z:

I. Jim閚ez-Alfaro Morote
N. Alejandre Alba
S. Dur醤 Poveda
Staff from IO:

S. Marcos Celestino
S. Barbero Briones
C. Dorronsoro D韆z
General aims of the Associated Unit

(1) Support the transfer to the clinical community of custom technology for diagnostics, understanding and evaluation of ocular disease and treatment.
(2) Facilitate the access to problems of clinical interest, treatments and surgical procedures, patients and animal models.
(3) Share "know-how" in complementary areas (optics, bioimaging, psychophysics, ophthalmology and surgery).
(4) Consolidate areas of common work, in which interdisciplinary interactions will allow to address projects of great scientific, clinical, economic and social impact.
Projects to be developed by the Associated Unit

(1) Evaluation of intrastromal surgery (in the context of a CENIT project and potential industrial collaborations).
(2) Evaluation and design of new solutions for the correction of presbyopia (in the context of MICINN, ERC Advanced Grant and potential industrial collaborations).
(3) Evaluation and optimization of new corneal treatments.
(4) Collaboration in surgical techniques, experimental animal models, tissue handling and experimental surgery
Investigaci贸n financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n y la Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n
Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
C/ Serrano, 121
28006 Madrid (Spain)
Tel: 915 616 800
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas - Instituto de 脫ptica
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