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¿Se puede medir el color? - Can you measure the color? Talk of the cycle of conferences "Science in the First Person" by our colleague Joaquín Campos  
¿Se puede medir el color? - Can you measure the color? Talk of the cycle of conferences "Science in the First Person" by our colleague Joaquín Campos
Yesterday, June 13, our colleague Joaquín Campos gave a talk entitled Can you measure color? organized by the National Museum of Science and Technology, MUNCYT de Alcobendas and the Institutional Delegation of the CSIC in the Community of Madrid.

This talk is the last of the fifth edition of the cycle of conferences "Science in the first person" that began in October 2020 and ended this month.

The conference can be viewed at

This cycle of First Person Science has been made up of a series of informative talks given by a team of researchers, selected in collaboration with the Institutional Delegation of the CSIC in Madrid, who bring their work and the advances in their field of study to all kinds of public.

Is color something physical that can be measured?

Don't they say that the color is according to the glass you look at it with? Do you have experience of transmitting to someone the color of something that they cannot see? Is there a unique way to designate a color so that we can all know what color we are referring to? Is it enough to take a photo with your mobile and send it by Whats App? In this conference this and other questions will be raised, as well as an objective way of referring to colors based on color measurement.

Joaquín Campos Acosta, a native of Malaga, works at the CSIC Institute of Optics. He graduated in Physical Sciences at the University of Granada, where he also received his doctorate with a thesis carried out at the CSIC Institute of Optics. He has spent most of his research career at the CSIC on various topics related to the measurement of optical radiation in the UV, visible and near infrared ranges of the spectrum. He likes teaching and disseminating these topics.
Within the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) he has been a member of Division 1 "Vision and Color" and Division 2 "Physical measurement of light and radiation". He is also the Spanish contact person in the EURAMET technical committee for Photometry and Radiometry.
Investigación financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
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Tel: 915 616 800
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