Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés”

Using Decoupled Features for Photorealistic Style Transfer

Ciencias de la imagen-en

Madrid / October 10, 2023

A team of researchers from York University of Toronto and the Institute of CSIC Optics has developed a new automatic photorealistic style transfer method for images and videos. This method, based on vision science principles and a new mathematical formulation, shows significant improvements over current technologies in terms of visual quality and performance.

The proposed method has been designed to overcome the limitations of artificial intelligence methods, a technology that has not been implemented in this field because it often produces results with unacceptable visual artifacts.

Scheme that illustrates how the style is extracted from two images, in order to be able to transplant it from one to another
Method operation diagram. The extracted features (represented schematically as concentric layers) capture the style of the image, while the normalized image (represented schematically by a central circle) has no style information. The final result is obtained by merging the reference style with the normalized original image. / Institute of Optics

What are style transfers?

The “style” of an image or video sequence is difficult to define. This is partly due to the fact that any feature of an image can be relevant to the perceived style. Lighting, scene, subject, optics, camera or post-processing can impact how the viewer appreciates an image and the sensations it conveys.
Film colorists, whose job it is to beautify and perfect images in post-production after they have been shot, currently use manual adjustments to replicate the color and tone characteristics of reference footage to give them the desired look.
In many cases, the director wants to emulate the style of a reference image, for example, a still image from an existing film, a photograph, or even a sequence taken previously in the current film.
Given this reference image, the method proposed by Canham and colleagues manages to automatically transfer the style, in terms of tone, color palette and contrast. The algorithm modifies the image in real time and generates a result that matches the style of the reference image. Being a low computational cost process, the lighting and elements of the scene can be modified at the time of filming, while the resulting image is viewed on the screen.
Part of the power of this new development is that by decoupling and extracting in isolation the most important characteristics of the style, such as brightness, contrast, shadow/light balance and black/light balance, the system allows you to modify each of them without altering the rest and without creating unnatural effects.

12 small photos with people's faces, mountain landscapes, and different places and city buildings
In each row of the figure you can see, from left to right: the original image, the reference image whose style we want to transfer to the original image, and finally the result of our method, where the original image now has the visual style (in terms of color, contrast, brightness) of the reference image. / Institute of Optics


One of the proposed applications for this method is in the so-called homogenization of broadcast sources, where the image of remote participants captured on mobile phones and webcams can be integrated into the studio broadcast without it being noticed that the image is being recorded with another camera and with other lighting.
Additionally, the team has demonstrated how this method can be used to emulate expensive optical diffusion filters used in photography and cinematography, providing artists a tool to test and apply various optical effects for unique textures and smooth images in post-production at a fraction of the cost.
This advancement promises to improve the quality and efficiency of style transfer in a variety of applications, from real-time video editing to image post-production and cinematography.
Demo software.
The authors have published the software with a graphical environment and the MATLAB source code at the following link:
With it, users will be able to test the style transfer with their own source and destination images

IO-CSIC Communication

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