Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
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Imágenes, Visión e Instrumentación Óptica
Óptica para el espacio e iones de alta energía (GOLDION)
Medidas de Radiación Óptica (GIMRO)
Ciencias de la Imagen y la Visión (IVIS)
Óptica Visual y Biofotónica (VIOBIO)
Vision Modeling Group (VMG)
Fotónica Ultrarrápida, No-lineal y en la Nanoescala
Procesado por Láser (LPG)
Óptica Guiada No-Lineal y en la Nanoescala (N2GO)
Fotónica para la Energía y la Sostenibildad (PEASER)
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Tecnología e Innovación sanitaria en Oftalmología
Plataformas Temáticas Interdisciplinares
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Convocatorias activas
Publicaciones y Patentes
Lowe, D.H.; Todd, A.D.W.; Van Den Bossche, R.; Bloembergen, P.; Anhalt, K.; Ballico, M.; Bourson, F.; Briaudeau, S.; Campos, J.; Cox, M.G.; Del Campo, D.; Dury, M.R.; Gavrilov, V.; Grigoryeva, I.; Her... "The equilibrium liquidus temperatures of rhenium'carbon, platinum-carbon and cobalt'carbon eutectic alloys" Metrologia; vol: 54 ; Páginas: 390 - 398 (2017)
Laplaza, A.; Jimenez-Relinque, E.; Campos, J.; Castellote, M. "Photocatalytic behavior of colored mortars containing TiO2 and iron oxide based pigments" Construction and Building Materials; vol: 144 ; Páginas: 300 - 310 (2017)
Peláez, R.J.; Ferrero, A.; Škere¿, M.; Bernad, B.; Campos, J. "Customizing plasmonic diffraction patterns by laser interference" RSC Advances; vol: 7 ; Páginas: 30118 - 30127 (2017)
Wübbeler, Gerd; Campos Acosta, Joaquin; Elster, Clemens "Evaluation of uncertainties for CIELAB color coordinates" Color Research and Application; vol: 42 ; Páginas: 564 - 570 (2017)
Strothkämper, C.; Ferrero, A.; Koo, A.; Jaanson, P.; Ged, G.; Obein, G.; Källberg, S.; Audenaert, J.; Leloup, F.B.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M.; Perales, E.; Schirmacher, A.; Campos, J. "Multilateral spectral radiance factor scale comparison" Applied Optics; vol: 56 ; Páginas: 1996 - 2006 (2017)
Martín, M.J.; Mantilla, J.M.; del Campo, D.; Hernanz, M.L.; Pons, A.; Campos, J. "Performance of Different Light Sources for the Absolute Calibration of Radiation Thermometers" International Journal of Thermophysics; vol: 38 ; Páginas: 341 - 351 (2017)
Timo Dönsberg, Farshid Manoocheri, Meelis Sildoja, Mikko Juntunen, Hele Savin, Esa Tuovinen, Hannu Ronkainen, Mika Prunnila, Mikko Merimaa, Chi Kwong Tang, Jarle Gran, Ingmar Müller, Lutz Werner, Bernard Rougié, Alicia Pons, Marek Smîd, Péter Gál, Lapo Lolli, Giorgio Brida, Maria Luisa Rastello and Erkki Ikonen. "Predictable quantum efficient detector based on n-type silicon photodiodes". Metrologia; vol 54; Páginas 821–836 (2017)
Ferrero, A.; Bernad, B.; Campos, J.; Perales, E.; Velázquez, J.L.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M. "Color characterization of coatings with diffraction pigments" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 33 ; Páginas: 1978 - 1988 (2016)
Ferrero, A.; Campos, J.; Bernad, B.; Pons, A.; Hernanz, M.L.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M.; Höpe, A. "Consistency analysis of multidimensional gonio-spectrophotometric measurements in interlaboratory comparisons" Metrologia; vol: 53 ; Páginas: 1024 - 1030 (2016)
Zwinkels, J.; Sperling, A.; Goodman, T.; Acosta, J.C.; Ohno, Y.; Rastello, M.L.; Stock, M.; Woolliams, E. "Mise en pratique for the definition of the candela and associated derived units for photometric and radiometric quantities in the International System of Units (SI)" Metrologia; vol: 53 ; Páginas: 15379 - 15384 (2016)
E. R. Woolliams; K. Anhalt; M. Ballico; P. Bloembergen; F. Bourson; S. Briaudeau; J. Campos; M. G. Cox; D. del Campo; W. Dong; M. R. Dury; V. Gavrilov; I. Grigoryeva; M. L. Hernanz; F. Jahan; B. Khlev... "Thermodynamic temperature assignment to the point of inflection of the melting curve of high-temperature fixed points" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; vol: 374 ; Páginas: null - 323
J.L.Velazquez; A. Ferrero; A. Pons; J. Campos; M.L. Hernanz "Zernike polynomials for photometric characterization of LEDs" Journal of Optics; vol: 18 ; Páginas: 025605 - 3149 (2016)
Kirchner, E.; Van Der Lans, I.; Ferrero, A.; Campos, J.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M.; Perales, E. "Fast and accurate 3D rendering of automotive coatings" Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference; vol: 2015- January ; Páginas: 154 - 160 (2015)
A. Ferrero; J. Campos; E. Perales; F. M. Martínez-Verdú; I. van der Lans; E. Kirchner "Global color estimation of special-effect coatings from measurements by commercially available portable multiangle spectrophotometers" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 32 ; Páginas: 1 - 11 (2015)
Gómez, O.; Perales, E.; Chorro, E.; Viqueira, V.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M.; Ferrero, A.; Campos, J. "Influence of the effect pigment size on the sparkle detection distance" Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference; vol: 2015 January ; Páginas: 175 - 179
Espada, M.F.; Campos, J.; Lõpez-Serrano, J.; Poveda, M.L.; Carmona, E. "Methyl-, Ethenyl-,and Ethynyl-Bridged Cationic Digold Complexes Stabilized by Coordination to a Bulky Terphenylphosphine Ligand" Angewandte Chemie International Edition; vol: 54 ; Páginas: 15379 - 15384
Rosa Weigand; Pablo A. García; Joaquín Campos Acosta; Jacobo Storch de Gracia "Optical transmission properties of Pentelic and Paros marble" Applied optics; vol: 54 ; Páginas: B251 - B255 (2015)
Ferrero, A.; Bayón, S. "The measurement of sparkle" Metrologia; vol: 52 ; Páginas: 317 - 323
Eric Kirchner; Ivo van der Lans; Esther Perales; Francisco Martínez-Verdú; Joaquín Campos; Alejandro Ferrero "Visibility of sparkle in metallic paints" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 32 ; Páginas: 921 - 927 (2015)
Rabal, A.M.; Ferrero, A.; Campos, J.; Pons, A.; Hernanz, M.L. "Bidirectional reflectance distribution function of diffuse reflectance standards around the retro-reflection direction" Metrologia; vol: 51 ; Páginas: 148 - 153 (2014)
Javier Pacheco-Labrador; Alejandro Ferrero; Pilar Martín "Characterizing integration time and gray-level-related nonlinearities in a NMOS sensor" Applied Optics; vol: 53 ; Páginas: 7778 - 7786 (2014)
Ferrero, A.; Perales, E.; Rabal, A.M.; Campos, J.; Martínez-Verdú, F.M.; Chorro, E.; Pons, A. "Color representation and interpretation of special effect coatings" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 31 ; Páginas: 436 - 447 (2014)
Eric Kirchner; Alejandro Ferrero "Isochromatic lines as extension of Helmholtz reciprocity principle for effect paints" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 31 ; Páginas: 1861 - 1867 (2014)
Mantilla J.M.; Hernanz M.L.; Campos J.; Martin M.J.; Pons A.; Del Campo D. "Monochromator-based absolute calibration of a standard radiation thermometer" International Journal of Thermophysics; vol: 35 ; Páginas: 493 - 503 (2014)
Barbero-Barrera, M.M.; Campos-Acosta, J.; Neila-González, F.J. "Reflectance properties analysis of mineral based mortars for renders: Research of their energy performance" Energy and Buildings; vol: 76 ; Páginas: 615 - 621 (2014)
Ferrero, A.; López, M.; Campos, J.; Sperling, A. "Spatial characterization of cameras for low-uncertainty radiometric measurements" Metrologia; vol: 51 ; Páginas: 316 - 325 (2014)
A. Ferrero; J. Campos; A. M. Rabal; A. Pons "A single analytical model for sparkle and graininess patterns in texture of effect coatings" Optics Express; vol: 21 ; Páginas: 26812 - 26819 (2013)
Joaquin Campos; Alicia Pons; Peter Blattner; Jimmy Dubard; Jean Bastie; Lukasz Litwiniuk; Jerzy Pietrzykowski; Marek Smid; Sim Mihai; Daniel Bos; Jarle Gran; Ozcan Bazkir; Anne A Fäldt "Final report on EUROMET PR-K2.b: Comparison on spectral responsivity (300 nm to 1000 nm)" Metrologia; vol: 50 ; Páginas: 02002 - 160 (2013)
Ferrero, A.; Rabal, A.; Campos, J.; Francisco, M.-V.; Chorro, E.; Perales, E.; Pons, A.; Hernanz, M.L. "Spectral BRDF-based determination of proper measurement geometries to characterize color shift of special effect coatings" Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision; vol: 30 ; Páginas: 206 - 214 (2013)
A.M. Rabal, A. Ferrero, J. Campos, J.L. Fontecha, A.Pons, A.M. Rubiño, A. Corróns. " Automatic Gonio-spectrophotometer for the Low-uncertainty Absolute Measurement of the Out-of-plane Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function”. Metrologia 49 (2012) 213-223
Ferrero, A.; Rabal, A.M.; Campos, J.; Pons, A.; Hernanz, M.L. "Spectral and geometrical variation of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function of diffuse reflectance standards" Applied optics; vol: 51 ; Páginas: 8535 - 8540 (2012)
Alejandro Ferrero, Ana María Rabal, Joaquín Campos, Alicia Pons, and María Luisa Hernanz. “Variables separation of the spectral BRDF for better understanding color variation in special effect pigment coatings” .J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 29, 842-847 (2012)
A. Ferrero, J. Campos, A.M. Rabal, A. Pons, M.L. Hernanz and A. Corrons. “Principal components analysis on the spectral bidirectional distribution function of ceramic color standards”. Optics Express 19 no 20(2011) pp 19199-19211
A. Ferrero; J. Campos; A.M. Rabal; A. Pons; M. L. Hernanz; A. Corróns Deconvolution of non-zero solid angles effect in Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function measurements. Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology III Alemania. 2011.
A. Ferrero; J. Campos; A. M. Rabal; A. Pons; J. L. Fontecha; A. Corróns. “Principal components analysis on the spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function”. Proceedings of 27 th Session of the CIE. South Africa. 2011
A. Ferrrero, A. Rabal, J. Campos, A.Pons M.L. Hernanz, A. Corróns. “Spectral and spatial comparison of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of diffuse reflectance standars”. Proceedings of Newrad 2011. Hawaii (USA).
A. M. Rabal, A. Ferrero, J. L. Fontecha, A. Pons, J. Campos, A. Corróns and A. M. Rubiño. "Gonio-spectrophotometer for Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) Measurements in both hemispheres ". Proceedings of Newrad 2011. Hawaii (USA).
C. Peralta, A.Pons and J. Campos. “ How the method of choice to asses liquid crystal tunable filters’s bandpass function impact the spectroradiometric measurements performed with them”. Journal Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 12 (2010) 015707 (7pp)
A.S.Shcherbakov , A.L Muñoz., Kosarsky, A.Yu. , J. Campos. “Determining the time-frequency parameters of low-power bright picosecond optical pulses by using the interferometric technique”. Opt. Int. J. Light Electron. Opt.121, Issue 5, March 2010, pp 426-434.
A. Ferrero, R. Felleti, L. Hanlon, J. Campos, A.Pons. “Electron-multiplying CCD astronomical photometry”. SPIE-IS&T. Vol 7536, 2010, pp 75360Q-1-75360Q-11.
A. S. Shcherbakov, J. Campos, A. Pons, P. Moreno and S. Mansurova. “Analysis of originating ultra short optical dissipative solitary pulses in the actively mode locked semiconductor heterolasers with an external fiber cavity”. SPIE-IS&T. 7750, 2010. nº 775026. pp 775026-1a
A.L. Muñoz, J. Campos, J. D. Marín, J. Larruquert, R. Gómez . “Determination of reflectance and transmittance of multi-layer of InGaAs and theoretical methods for obtaining of optical constants”. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences. Universidad Autónoma de México. 2010. ISBN 978-607-02-0840-9.
A. L. Muñoz, J. Campos, A. Pons, A. Shcherbakov, R. Gomez. “Optoelectronics properties of Silicon Photodiodes”. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences. Universidad Autónoma de México. 2010. ISBN 978-607-02-0840-9.
A.M. Rabal, A. Ferrero, J.L. Fontecha, A. Pons, J. Campos, A. Corróns and A.M. Rubiño.” Scattering Distribution Function measurements”. Proc. of CIE Expert Symposium on Spectral and Imaging Methods for Phootmetry and Radiometry. Pub. CIE x036:2010, CIE, Viena(Austria), 2010, pag 79-84. ISBN 978 3 901906 89 3.
D. Crespo, J. Campos, A. Pons and A. Ferrero. “CMOS Camera response nonlinearity”. Proc. of CIE Expert Symposium on Spectral and Imaging Methods for Phootmetry and Radiometry. Pub. CIE x036:2010, CIE, Viena(Austria), 2010, pag 87-91. ISBN 978 3 901906 89 3
A.L. Muñoz, J. Campos, Gomez , R. Uribe “An absolute radiometer based on InP photodiodes” Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 7726, 2010, Article number 772628 .
A. Shcherbakov, P. Moreno, J. Campos, S. Mansurova, A.L. Muñoz, S. Nemov, “Practical aspects of applying triple correlations to the characterization of high-frequency repetition trains of picosecond optical pulses”. Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications IX. 2010. San Francisco (California, EE. UU.)
A.L.Muñoz, J. Campos, R. Gómez , J. Rojas, A.Shcherbakov, “Study of some optoelectronics characteristics of InGaAs/InP photodetectors”. Optical Sensing and Detection. 2010. Bruselas (Bélgica)
A.L.Muñoz, , J. Campos, R. Gómez , R. Uribe. “An absolute radiometer based on InP photodiodes”. Optical Sensing and Detection. 2010. Bruselas (Bélgica)
A. Shcherbakov, J. Campos, A. Pons, P. Moreno, and S. Mansurova. “Analysis of originating ultra-short optical dissipative solitary pulses in the actively mode-locked semiconductor heterolasers with an external fiber cavity”. Photonics North 2010. Niagara Falls (Canada)
D. Crespo; J. Campos; A. Pons; A. Ferrero. “CMOS Camera response nonlinearity. ”. CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposium on “Spectral and Imaging Methods for Photometry and Radiometry”. 2010. Berna (Suiza)
A. M. Rabal, A. Ferrero, J. L. Fontecha, A. Pons, J. Campos, A. Corróns and A. M. Rubiño. “Gonio-Spectrophotometer for Low-Uncertainty Measurements of Bidirectional ScatterING Distribution Function (BSDF)”. CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposium on “Spectral and Imaging Methods for Photometry and Radiometry”. 2010. Berna (Suiza).
Ferrero A., Rabal A.M., Campos J., Pons A., Fontecha J.L. and Corrons, A.” Data processing of bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF) measurements”. 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance. 2010. Ghent (Bélgica)
A.L.Muñoz, J. Campos, J.D Marín, J. Larruquert, R. Gómez. “Determination of reflectance and transmittance of multi-layer of InGaAs and theoretical methods for obtaining of optical constants.” 1st International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences.2010. Cancún (México)
A.L. Muñoz, J. Campos, A. Pons, A. Shcherbakov, R. Gomez. “Optoelectronics properties of Silicon Photodiodes”. 1st International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences.2010. Cancún (México)
A. Shcherbakov; J. Campos; P. Moreno; S. Mansurova; Yurij V. Il'in; Il'ya S. Tarasov “Characterizing the parameters of ultra-short optical dissipative solitary pulses in the actively mode-locked semiconductor laser with an external fiber cavity”. Photonics North 2010. Niagara Falls (Canada).
A. Shcherbakov, P. Moreno, J. Campos, I'lin, I. Tarasov. “Applying the joint Wigner time-frequency distribution to characterization of ultra-short optical dissipative solitary pulses in the actively mode-locked semiconductor laser with an external single-mode fiber cavity”. Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XVIII. 2010. San Francisco (California, EE. UU.)
Miguel A. López-Álvarez, Javier Hernández-Andrés, Javier Romero, Joaquín Campos, and Alicia Pons. “Calibrating the elements of a multispectral imaging system”. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST). 53, No 3 (2009)
A.Ferrero, L. Hanlon, J. French,, G. Melady, B. McBreen, J.Campos, and A. Pons. “Assessment of a pixel-to-pixel metrological approach to the measurement of astronomical magnitudes”. Metrologia 46, S228-S232 (2009)
E. Chorro, E.Perales, F.M Martínez –Verdú, J. Campos and A. Pons” Colorimetric and spectral evaluation of the optical anisotropy of metallic and pearlescent samples” Journal of Moderm Optics, 1362-3044, Volume 56, Issue 13, 2009, Pages 1457-1465.
A.Pons, J. Campos, C. Tártalo y A. Corróns. “Simplified method to determine the spectral mistmach correction of commercial illuminance meters”. Proceedings of Light and Lighting 2009 Conference (Budapest 2009).
A.Pons, C.Peralta, J. Campos, A.I. Negueruela, A. Rabal and M.T. Martínez. “LCTF Spectral parameters stability”. Proceedings AIC09 (2009).
A.P. Alonso, J. Campos, A. Pons and A. Corróns. “Luminance factors values of card board plaster plates”. Proceedings AIC09 (2009).
Shcherbakov, A.S., Muñoz Zurita, A.L., Kosarsky, A.Yu., Campos Acosta, J. “Determining the time-frequency parameters of low-power bright picosecond optical pulses by using the interferometric technique”. Opt. Int. J. Light Electron. Opt. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.ijleo.2008.07.033
L. Muñoz Zurita, J. Campos Acosta, A. Pons Aglio and A. Scherbakov. “Differences of Silicon Photodiode Spectral Reflectance among the same batch”. Optoelectronics Letters 4, No 5 (2008).
Chorro, F. Martínez-Verdú, J. Campos and A. Pons. “On the importance on rotating metallic and pearlescent samples around the normal in multi-gonio-spectrophotometric measurements”. Proceedings of the 2008 Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry (Turin 2008). ISBN 978 3 901906 73 2.
Zurita, A.L.M., Acosta, J.C., Shcherbakov, A.S., Aglio, A.P. “Measuring the reflectance and the internal quantum efficiency of silicon and InGaAs/InP photodiodes in near infrared range”. Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 6890.
Muñoz Zurita, A.L.,Scherbakov, A.S., Tepichin-Rodriguez,E., Nemov,S.A., Campos Acosta,J. “Applying the triple correltion fucntions to characterizing high frecuency repetition trains of picosecond optical pulses”. Proceedings of SPIE (2008), 7072.
Scherbakov, A.S.,Muñoz Zurita, A.L.,Campos Acosta, J. “A new technique of measuring low-power picosecond optical pulse trains”. Proceedings of SPIE (2008),6796.
Ferrero, L. Hanlon, J. French,, G. Melady, B. McBreen, J.Campos, and A. Pons. “An alternative procedure for measuring instrumental magnitudes: Ratios-based Approach for Intensity and Noise of Stars (RAINS)”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry. (Daejeon-Korea 2008).
Alejandro Ferrero, Javier Alda, Joaquín Campos and Alicia Pons. “Principal Components análisis of the spectral Photo-response non uniformity of CCDs”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry (2008)
Celia Peralta, Alicia Pons, Joaquín Campos, Jose Luis Fontecha and Antonio Corróns. “Determining LCTF Bandpass function”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry (2008).
Joaquín Campos, Ana Luz Muñoz Zurita, Alicia Pons and Alexandre Shcherbakov. “External Quantum Efficiency of some InGaAs/InP Photodiodes”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry (2008).
Alejandro Ferrero, Javier Alda, Joaquín Campos, José Manuel López-Alonso and Alicia Pons. “Principal components analysis of the photo-response non uniformity of a matrix detector”. Appl. Opt. 46, 9-17 (2007)
Alicia Pons, Diego Delgado and Joaquin Campos. “Determination of the action spectrum of the Blue-Light Hazard for different IOLs”. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 24, 1545-1550 (2007).
Mónica Fernández-Perea, Juan I. Larruquert, José A. Aznárez, Alicia Pons and José A. Méndez. “VUV coatings of Al protected with MgF2 prepared both by ion-beam-sputtering and by evaporation”. App. Opt. 46, Issue 22, pp. 4871-4878 (2007).
Pons, J. Campos, J.A. Méndez and J. Martín. “Reflectance Changes in white reflectance standards measured in different instruments with 0/d geometry”. Proceedings 26th Session of the CIE (2007).
Alexandre S. Scherbakov, A. L. Muñoz Zurita, J. Campos Acosta. “A new technique of measuring low-power picosecond optical pulse trains”. Photonics North 2007.
Alexandre S. Scherbakov, A. L. Muñoz Zurita, A. Luna Castellanos, Sergey A. Nemov and J. Campos. “Applying a triple correlation to measuring the envelopes of ultrashort optical pulses”. Photonics North 2007
Alonso, J. Campos, R. González, A. Pons. “Reflectance Values of Pladur in the UV, VIS and near IR”. Proceedings 26th Session of the CIE (Pekin 2007)
L. Muñoz Zurita, A. S. Shcherbakov , J. Campos Acosta and A. Pons Aglio. “Measuring the reflectance and internal quantum efficiency of InGAAS/InP photodioedes in near IR range”. Advanced Infrared Technologies and Applications 9 (AITA 9) (2007)
Alexandre S. Shcherbakov 1), A. L. Munoz Zurita 1), Sergey A. Nemov 2), and J. Campos Acosta 3). “Effect of the gain non-locality on bright dissipative optical solitons in multi-domained semiconductor laser waveguides with a slowly saturable gain and a fast-relaxing absorption”. Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides (BGPP) and Nonlinear Photonics (NP) Topical Meeting. (2007).
L. Muñoz Zurita, J. Campos Acosta, A. Pons Aglio and A. Shcherbakov. “Differences of Silicon photodiodes reflectance among a batch and by ageing”. SOMI XXII (2007)
Alexandre S. Shcherbakov 1), A. L. Munoz Zurita 1), Sergey A. Nemov 2), and J. Campos Acosta 3). “Applying a triple auto-correlation to measuring the envelopes of ultrashort optical pulses”. SOMI XXII (2007).
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