Wheel flat detection in high-speed railway systems using fiber bragg gratings
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Wheel flats are a major source of problems in railway systems since they cause strong wear both in the infrastructure and in the train vehicles. In this paper, we present field tests concerning the application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors for the detection of out-of-roundness in high-speed train wheels. Wheel flats are shown to cause high-energy impacts on the rails that can be monitored using FBGs located in the rails. The results point out a great potential of this technology for the development of reliable wheel flat detection systems.
Año de Publicación: 2013
Referencia: Filograno, M.L.; Corredera, P.; Rodríguez-Plaza, M.; Andrés-Alguacil, A.; González-Herráez, M.; “Wheel flat detection in high-speed railway systems using fiber bragg gratings”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol: 13, Páginas: 4808 – 4816 (2013); DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2274008
Revista: IEEE Sensors Journal
Explotación: No.
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